Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of Citrus Heights

About Us

Chartered on July 25th, 1972, the Kiwanis Club of Citrus Heights has been a dedicated force for good in our community for over 50 years. As part of Kiwanis International, a global network of over 7,700 clubs in 80 countries, our mission is clear: “Serving the Children of the World.”

We are an active community service club supporting international, district, divisional, and local projects. From annual events to ongoing initiatives, we strive to make a meaningful impact in Citrus Heights and beyond.

What We Do

For over five decades, we’ve proudly hosted our FREE annual community Easter Egg Hunt and organized two major fundraisers each year to support charitable projects.

We are proud supporters of organizations like the Citrus Heights Police Activities League (PAL’s), the Sacramento Metro Fire Camp, and the Sunrise Parks & Recreation District. Our club also played a key role in building and continues to support the Kiwanis Family House, which provides temporary housing for families of patients at UC Davis Medical Center and Shriners Hospital of Northern California.

Our support extends to many impactful programs and initiatives, including:

  • Kiwanis Family House
  • Service Leadership Key Clubs at Center, Mesa Verde, and Bella Vista High Schools
  • San Juan Culinary Program
  • Mesa Verde Girls Basketball
  • Mesa Verde Community Garden
  • San Juan Unified School District
  • Sunrise Parks & Recreation
  • Project Holiday Cheer
  • Citrus Heights Police Activities League
  • Sacramento Metro Fire Camp
  • Citrus Heights HART
  • Citrus Heights Community Marching Band
  • Local food banks and more!

We are also proud Wall Raiser Sponsors for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento’s Sayonara Drive Project in Citrus Heights.

Together, we are building a stronger, more connected community.

Get Involved

  • Meetings: We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM at Round Table Pizza (Sunrise & Antelope). Arrive 30 minutes early to grab some food and settle in!
  • Looking for New Opportunities: We’re always eager to explore new ways to support our community, especially initiatives benefiting local youth.

If you have a community event that needs volunteers or support, please contact our President, Katie Escajeda, at kiwaniscitrusheights@gmail.com.

What is Kiwanis?

Kiwanis International is a global volunteer organization dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. Through its service leadership programs, Kiwanis engages communities across more than 80 countries to create a lasting, positive impact on youth and families.

Want to Learn More?

Interested in making a difference? Contact us today or apply to join the Kiwanis Club of Citrus Heights. Together, we can change lives and build a stronger community!
